Wednesday, 24 April 2013

connecting mamp to flashbuilder

My Web root is /Applications/MAMP/htdocs, and my Root URL is http://localhost. this really important when setting up my database to flash builder. i had to google it for the mac set up.

game trailer work

i decided to create a game trailer for promotion of my game. I still have a bit of work to do to get it to completion stage but im happy with the standered of where it is now. doing the flash project during semester 2 made this flash project easier to complete. because blogger cant upload swf files i used screen shots to show my development.

how to set up social marketing for my game

today i made a facebook template on social promotion on my game. I used this link as a reference point.
link to social marking promotion ideas

Friday, 19 April 2013

more about my database for my game

im using these tutorals to put together my data base :

databasing in flash builder in 5 easy lines of code

i wont be using php and xml it seems but i will be using myphpadmin and tokens. the code will all be self generated from which is a data driven 3D engine featuring auto-code generation designed specifically for Flash Builder and the new spark architecture.

i will create my first table - 

user( id- userid, firstname, surname, gender, email, username, password)

this will be created in myphpadmin

and then my second table -

score (id - userid, score, date, distance)

in flash builder i have created an new flex project - labeled it mydatabase - selected application type for the server as php - set up my web root and root url and then validate my configurations so that the folder is found.

then flash biuld after you hit finish generates all the library files youll need to make your database in flash builder.

my database for my game

i will have mamp instailed for my data base game. MAMP installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your Mac OS X computer, be it MacBook or iMac. Like similar packages from the Windows- and Linux-world, MAMP comes free of charge.

MAMP is installed in the typical Mac fashion: very easily. MAMP will not compromise any existing Apache installation already running with your OS X. You can install Apache, PHP and MySQL without starting a script or having to change any configuration files!

Furthermore, if MAMP is no longer needed, it is sufficient to delete the MAMP folder and everything returns to its original status (i.e. MAMP does not modify any of the "normal" OS X).

it includes the following libraries:

Included programs & libraries
  • Apache HTTP Server 2.2.22
  • PHP 5.2.17
  • PHP 5.3.14 (MAMP PRO only)
  • PHP 5.4.4
  • MySQL 5.5.25
  • phpMyAdmin 3.5.1 
  • SQLiteManager 1.2.4
  • Alternative PHP Cache (APC) 3.1.9
  • curl 7.24.0
  • eAccelerator
  • Expat XML Parser 2.0.1
  • FreeType 2.4.8
  • gettext
  • jpeg 8d
  • libiconv 1.14
  • Libidn 1.17
  • libmcrypt 2.6.8
  • libpng 1.5.7
  • libxml2 2.7.8
  • libxslt 1.1.26
  • Sablotron XML processor 1.0.3
  • t1lib 5.1.2
  • XCache 1.2.2
  • XCache 1.3.2
  • Xdebug 2.2.0
  • PHP/YAZ 1.0.14
  • YAZ 4.0.1

Monday, 15 April 2013

some music im looking at for my game

parov stelar instumental music
boards of canada everything you do is a balloon
the knife silent shout instrumental piece
the xxs - intro instrumental
kavinsky nightcall instrumental

im currently researching the music for my game and the music for my animation introduction. these are some of the pieces i am looking at. im also talking to people about music that would fit best.

Monday, 8 April 2013

to do list - 08-04-13

  1. animate my main hero character
  2. code my items collision and detection
  3. continue with php and code the link from flash starling and builder to php dreamweaver
  4. write the code for mobile gaming on various different platforms
  5. speak to john and liz to fix the error i was unable to fix in my action script coding
  6. go through those tutorials again once errors have been fix to make sure not errors were made and undetected
  7. design in illustrator the backgrounds and the items and collisions for the game
  8. consider the code for the next level which will be based on the first level of coding

php coding for game

these are screen shots of my code and what the user will see on the screen/

Thursday, 28 March 2013

currently working on the code for my collision detection. these are the 4 most popular methods to detecting collisions. ill probably end up using bounds as it works for all object types. distance is calculated with coodinates as does contains a point but its not suitable for all my objects and bitmap comparision will take too much time to code. if i was in a job and time was short id have to learn the best and fastest way to code this so i think bounds is best.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

the logic behind some of my flash game structure

thefirst part of the diagram shows the interaction between the actionscript files on a basic level and how the classes interact with each other also showing the parent and child relationships.

i will also be using a parallax background structure as well which means that the objects or layers in the background on the screen with be duplicated and set on the side on the screen images or layers. Then i will apply a loop to each layer individually so that it will reset when it gets to the edge of the screen. however each layer will be set on a different speed setting so that each layer will be moving at a different pace. I achieved this today. So far i have the code for the welcome screen with active buttons, the change from the welcome screen to the ingame play and the moving character against the moving background. On the side in illustrator im creating the background design for the game and the sprite sheet to go with it. i also will be working on the animated character in flash over the weekend.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

beginning setting up my fyp for starling

tutorial for starling game platform will help me create my demo for my game for after easter break. Im hoping to have some of the game working and some of my data base working after easter break to take a bit of the pressure off. this tutorial is going to be a big help in showing me what starling can do and what my game can do. i think i will change my game layout but im inital game achievements will still be the same.

beginning my database for fyp

I began creating my database after speaking with nick this morning. he advised 2 tables user and high score with the following information as seen in my image. tomorrow i will speak to liz about the code i created for my database and where to go next.

my background and path

my layouts i have created on john jennings advice.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

websites for flash john suggested i look at

sketches of my game layout (story)

 Spoke with John Jennings to make a start on my game. He advised i create these layers as backgrounds and for the prototype after christmas make sure the character moves, make sure the background moves and them work on all the design elements afterwards. This is what im going to spend the 2 weeks off doing.

link to car game tutorial

link to actionscript codes

the game engine ill be using

Starling does not cost a dime. Download and use it right away — no strings attached. And because it is Open Source, you're always in control: step through the code and learn from its internals. Everything is well documented and easy to understand. Drop your in-house engine and focus on your games!

the reasons I chose it is because:

  1. its free
  2. its editable
  3. adobe supports it
  4. it has great preformance

Friday, 15 March 2013

scenes for the game

I have decided to being creating the scenes from my game. im not sure how they'll fit together but ihelps me start thinking about the game more.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


I created my first out of two prtotypes for mondays presentation. 

Monday, 25 February 2013

lynda tutorial link for game design

great article on making a flash game: the beginnings

link to the article

the beginning of the project

Im going to start by designing my characters in illustrator and all their actions.


Ive decided to create characters based on the poets themselves so i have a look to work with straight away. Since Im using adrinne ich and syvia plath. These will be my two characters.

some styles ive found

I went on the the YCN student blog and found some
work which i like by various different illustrators today.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013

my pinterest page for further research

pinterest link

My portfolio

My portfolio is now finished for interactive design. I just need to add it to issue.
These are examples of my layouts. I used futura for my subtext and rockwell
for my headings. I really love the font combination. I dont know if ill have a thank you page yet.