Video games are a language, a grammar or linguistics of various texts. The sounds, the movement, the graphics, the rules or lack of rules, everything about a video game is a component of language. …..
A digital poetry game must combine all these elements, strange and interactive stanzas, crossed out and obstructed lines, sounds and texts triggered and lost during the play. Indeed the game interface becomes a road to inhabiting the digital poem, to coaxing the reader/player into living and creating within the game/poetry space.
I want to continue my final year project from my 4 year degree in visual communications. I was inspired by renowned poet Robert Frost, I chose to examine how people relate to poetry today, with an aim to change the traditional perception of poetry. To capture this I have created a animation, an informing poster and a booklet which explores the relationship between poetry and people within an image primary context. These formats were created in an attempt to encourage alternative considerations and strengthen the effect images can have with words and sounds upon the individual imagination. This is an example of my final year project last year.
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